Monday, June 3, 2024

It’s Time for a Resurgence: Confronting the Privatization Crusaders Head-On

Diane Ravitch writes, “One person who takes credit for the rapid advance of vouchers, which send public dollars to private and religious schools, is named Corey DeAngelis. You probably never heard of him. He works for Betsy DeVos. He hates public schools…”

Carol Burris writes, “Corey DeAngelis works for Betsy DeVos’s American Federation for Children, which pays him to travel the country hawking ESA vouchers. He directs its PAC to destroy candidates who oppose vouchers.”

DeAngelis is the poster boy for the DeVos brigade. He sells the snake oil of ESA vouchers and directs PACs to torpedo anyone who dares to stand against them. His mission? To dismantle the public education system as we know it. This isn't just about one man; it's about a systemic push to reshape the educational landscape into a marketplace where public funding — our taxes — is siphoned away from our public schools and into private pockets.

And what’s our current response? A storm of blog posts, a flurry of op-eds, and heated discussions that, frankly, often echo back to us without reaching the ears of those still swayed by the hollow promises of 'school choice.'

Our opposition is not just posting their thoughts; they're enacting policies, influencing elections, and reshaping public opinion with a narrative crafted in boardrooms rather than classrooms. 

Remember the Save Our Schools March in 2011? 

We need that energy back. We need to stop just cataloging our defeats and start planning our comeback. This isn’t about just holding the line anymore; it’s about pushing forward, about being as bold and relentless as those who seek to undo the work we believe in.

So, where do we go from here? It starts with recognizing that we can’t just defend; we need to attack — not with invective or vitriol, but with a clear, compelling alternative vision for what education in America can be. We need a new strategy, one that includes education but extends to electoral influence, policy making, and above all, engaging directly with the communities most affected by these policies.

The upcoming elections in 2024? They're not just another box to check. They are a referendum on the future of education in America. This is our call to arms. Let’s mobilize, not just in protest but at the polls. Let’s build coalitions that stretch across the political spectrum because the fight for public education is the fight for democracy.

We need to reignite our grassroots spirit with a modern twist — think digital campaigns, think strategic partnerships, think about how to outmaneuver those who’ve been outplaying us on the political field. But all this needs funding, substantial funding. No more patting on the back with ‘Good Job.’ Those who can afford to, must step up now more than ever. It’s time to fund this fight like we truly intend to win it, not just participate.

We’ve got a history of fighting the good fight — now let’s make sure we’ve got a future where we can celebrate the victories, not just lament the losses. Let’s get to work, not just because we can, but because we must.

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